31. March 2013

Yes, Christmas is barely over and now it’s Easter again – not that we would notice any difference with the cold weather and the occasional snow. Anyway, I hope everyone’s having a nice Easter holiday weekend! I’m taking it easy this year and while I don’t have anything new apart from this posting here on this blog, there’s something on my other websites…

On DVDLog I’ve just posted an English translation of my old article about Who Framed Roger Rabbit, one of my favourite movies and DVDs. Recently I had decided to switch the website completely over to English and that gives me always something to do when I haven’t got anything new to write about – there are going to be many more translations of my favourite reviews and hopefully some new discs will arrive to provide for some current articles.

The Photography Blog is even more active – I’ve been posting at least one image a day continuously since last summer and I don’t plan to stop! I’m also working on some remastered versions of older galleries and this spring I also hope to completely redesign the whole site. But that’s still a long way off and a bit difficult, since I not only need to redesign the WordPress blog, but also the Coppermine gallery. Meanwhile, I’m of course continuing with the daily photo posts.

And this Blog is going to continue with a curious mix of computer stuff, webdesign, science & astronomy and other things, but I think I’m also going to gradually switch to English here. I have become very active over at Google+ and continuing to write in German would not be very productive, because most of the people in my circles don’t understand much German. But I promise that everything I’m posting to Google+ or Facebook will also appear on my websites first. Next in the pipeline will be a reworked and maybe also translated version of my two Android tablet articles.

And that’s it for this year’s Easter update! Check back soon for more stuff, or circle me on Google+, friend me on Facebook, use the RSS feed, etcetera :-).

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